Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My little funny guy

Since I haven't been filling in the days very well lately, I thought I would do a writing devoted to the funny things Braylen says...
Out to dinner celebrating the end of tax season, WOOHOO, we were eating dinner and Jeremy and I were talking about work stuff and family stuff and Braylen says, "This is super fun."  I'm glad he sees the small joys in life and we also get to live through him joy to help us realize how much we should enjoy every moment together!
I was hugging Jeremy the other day and Braylen breaks through our legs.  He's got one of my legs and one of Jeremy's and he's hugging it saying, "I love you guys."  Guys is his new word and it's hilarious!
I have been trying to get him to feel the baby and he was touching my stomach the other day and he looks at my belly button and tells me that it's small.  I said it was because my tummy is getting so big.  He then shot out a few random and funny questions back at me, "Baby comes out of there?" and "Baby poops out there?" and then proceeded to say, "Hi baby" in my belly button and kiss it.  I wondered how he thought this baby was coming out...
He's been wearing his super cape and running around, pretending to fly.  I will ask "super Braylen" what he wants for breakfast or if he's ready to go to Gretchen's and he responds, "Super Braylen wants cereal." or "Yes, I'm going to fly to Gretchy's."  But the sweetest thing he said today as I was getting him out of his car seat I kissed him and told him I love him and he said, "I love you too super mom".  I love being a super mom, my favorite job to date!!!!!!
His funny words: bizzy, a feeling he gets when he spins around; pren-tend, playing make believe; lmlmlmlmlm, his favorite chocolate round candies; jumping beans, his favorite Easter candy
I'm sure I'll have lots more to add and I'm missing a huge amount of stuff, but that is a sufficient amount of cuteness for now!!

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