Monday, August 16, 2010

Weekend with the Nana and Papas

Not only did Nana and Papa come to visit Bray, Super Nana and Super Papa also came!! What a great weekend to spend together. We hung around Saturday when we got home and then went for a boat ride with the Nanas and Braylen. We made dinner when we got home and everyone was out the door early on Sunday. Nana and Papa brought a gift for Braylen that he loves, it's a ride and walk toy. He was so fun to watch walk around with it, but mom and dad didn't get to see him cruise around the house :(. We did take video so they could see his enjoyment,!! We decided to make the best of the gorgeous Sunday and went for a longer boat ride and stopped at the beach. Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera because Braylen played in the sand for the first time and loved it!! A bath was in order after the sand and river water.

1 comment:

  1. We got Nora the same one at the Trading Post today! She isn't near the point of walking with it, but maybe soon....ugh, I'm fine with her taking her time though : )
