Tuesday, February 16, 2010

19 weeks, going on 18 years

I have noticed lately that if I'm holding Braylen and my phone rings or I check it, he is completely enthralled with the lights and shininess. I'm pretty frightened by this, I think he'll start asking for a phone of his own by the age of 5, ugh!! Just this morning he was fussy and I was walking around the house putting my lunch together and bags ready for work while carrying him. My phone was not in my purse, so I checked my email and began placing it in my purse when I realized Bray stopped fussing and was talking to my phone, I know we're teaching him these habits!!
Also, we went to get Braylen's haircut and he is now as handsome as ever! No more long pieces of hair hanging down past his ears or in his eyes, it's all, for the most part trimmed up. Grandma did a great job and he's all cleaned up now!!
Before After
Bray's been talking, laughing and more and more attentive every day. He's getting so strong! He is probably going to be pro wrestler because his legs are so strong and he does this dead leg drop that literally shakes the house. I was downstairs doing laundry and I thought I heard someone come in the door, ran upstairs to see Bug doing his leg drops! I'm still working with him on rolling over, we'll get there soon! Things are really great in the Fluhr household, we love watching him change daily and see what new things he's doing and learning!

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