Friday, March 1, 2013

Sprinting, but not getting anywhere

Do you ever feel like you are moving as fast as humanly possible in every aspect of your life, but you're physically not getting anywhere?  I am starting to feel that way and I feel as if it may crush me, at times.  I text Jeremy yesterday asking if we could hire someone to be us for a week and we could run off with the kids for a week of quality time.  He denied my request :(  Tax time is always busy and I feel as if this is a common feeling for me this time every year.  We get home from work, usually around 6:30 or 7 pm, feed the kids, give them baths and put them to bed with small conversations about the day and lots of hugs and kisses mixed in.  Fortunately I have an amazing, but currently extremely busy, husband and 2 hilarious, adorable and good kiddos!  We also have jobs and a house and many, many other blessings that I should be grateful for daily, but sometimes the day to day chaos makes me forget that.  Well, only about a month of tax season left and by that time the weather will start changing and brightening up!  Here is what is keeping me sane, as well as making me crazy sometimes, in the mornings and evenings we spend together!!

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