Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's rainin babies

Or maybe it's just raining, a lot, and there was a baby born on the same night.  I'm having trouble remembering it because we had a very late night last night!!
OK, I think it's coming back to me started raining around 7pm and we heard it would be a stormy night.  With a night in Braylen and I made chocolate chip cookies, yumm.  He wasn't the biggest help, but he always ask to help cook and stir, so that's what I "let" him do.  They were so good, he was even able to enjoy a little cookie before bed!! 
We got a text around 9:45pm and found out that our newest nephew was born, Andrew Joseph Fluhr, to Angie and Jason and big sis Alana.  He looks like a peanut and we cannot wait to meet him.  Congrats to the Fluhr family and we are glad the boys to girl ratio is back to even!!
It was about 11 when it was getting really windy and lightening like crazy outside.  I decided to take the family and sleep downstairs around 12, I am afraid there will be a tornado and we will not hear the sirens!!  This was an all around bad idea that I now see, hindsight!  Braylen was sound asleep and was still sleeping when we laid down in the basement.  It was around 2 that I really began rethinking this "plan".  After about 2 hours of thrashing around, Braylen, not me, and him sitting up saying "Momma car.  Momma drive car.  Dadda truck."  I knew we were done for.  I took Bray back upstairs and laid him down just as he was beginning to enjoy his night with momma and dadda in the basement.  He screamed for about 30-40 minutes while I laid on his floor, I finally gave up and left his room.  I think his crying subsided around 3:30am.  Ugh... 
After our night from hell, we realized we fared quite well, with 13-15 inches of rain that fell during the night, our basement was dry, no flash flooding in our neighborhood and everything still in tact inside and outside the house, a few hours of missed sleep was something we could easily make up for the next night, unlike those with lots of water damage!! 

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