So, my crazy schedule has returned and I'm working nights again. Which means a couple of things, 1. I don't get to kiss Braylen goodnight :(, 2. Jeremy is left to "fend" for himself and Braylen at 5, 3. My mornings with Braylen are back and 4. That I have come to realize Jeremy is completely capable of bathing, feeding, changing, playing and putting Bray to bed without me :( and :) Because of these things I love and loathe my new schedule. I go into work around 10-11 on weekdays, which usually gives me a few hours with Braylen. Our regular schedule is as follows, get up around 7/7:30, feed Braylen, wash his face and hands after breakfast, change clothes, go for a walk, chase Braylen around the house, Braylen chases me around the house, get ready and clean up our messes we've made. Some mornings I get the chance to read to him and play. I've also had an emergency bath, that was necessary due to a pee incident, had to administer a bottle because it was also a necessity, multiple outfit changes (fortunately I've not had any wardrobe incidents yet), outside play time with rocks, often had to dry him off after catching him in the dogs water bowl and one dance session that we both thoroughly enjoyed! I've created a tupperware drawer he plays with when he starts getting bored or needy and he loves it. He stirs and mixes up all kinds of concoctions. He even shares with me sometimes. As I said I love these kinds of moments and cherish this time I have with him, but when I drop him off at daycare thinking I'll see you tomorrow morning, I hate it!!
I love spoons and bowls |
Cheese for the camera |
the old standby drawer |
"Mom, I'm mixing this up, quit bothering me!" |
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