8 months old and such a little man already! His vocabulary includes baba, not sure if bye bye or just baby talk, trying to coordinate waving with that now, also says momma, dadda, pupp pupp (again I think) and uh ohh. It's so cute when he babbles and starts talking and squealing like he's really trying to tell me about his day. He does put on a front around new people and in new places where he won't smile much, or stink face, talk a lot or show a lot of emotion, but when he gets home he doesn't stop! His mode of transportation now is excessive rolling and he can pull himself up when we offer our hands and looks like he's getting ready to go from sitting to crawling, just not there yet. His new love is the grass and being outside. He picks the grass and inspects it and if it passes, he then decides to try to eat it. Other food in his diet include, peaches, pears, apples, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and he's a PIG! He really should be about 35/40 lbs due to his eating habits, but fortunately for him, unfortunately for us, his food goes right through him, I mean immediately right through him! We're still working on sleeping through the night, last week he woke up at 6/6:30, but still has a few days where he reverts back to up one time in the early morning. We've had a great 8 months and we are anxious and nervously awaiting what happens in the next 4 months, AHHHH!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IzxfGFw42U sorry for the last few seconds, welcome to parenthood, huh?!
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