Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sunday, Funday
We took Sunday afternoon to relax after a busy weekend. Braylen was swinging and laughing at Riley, BFFs. I was able to sit outside and read, first time all summer!! Jeremy did lots of outdoor stuff, while Braylen and I pulled weeds. We hung out on the deck after a gorgeous day, I was enjoying the beautiful sunset and Jeremy enjoyed the BIG DEER!

Family, Boating and new Braylen tricks
Friday after I got off work Braylen and I were playing on the floor and when I went to make dinner he continued to play and was having fun making all kinds of noises, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dMJQAXrTog. I kind of think he sounds like he's growling! My family came up to visit this weekend and Nana and Papa, of course, brought something for Braylen, a new high chair. He really seems to like it, although it's a little big. We went boating with Nana and Papa, Mandi and Andriy and Jess and Clint and it was a hot day, but pretty fun hanging out in the water and with cousin Madison. Nana found Bray's top 2 teeth cutting through, I've been waiting for these. This may explain some of the fussiness and crabbiness lately!! Also, we had some fun with a new Braylen trick. He now claps his hands when he hears a song, found out when his babysitter and also Nana were singing patty cake to him, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQoT4HKKyIc. I love it when he does and says new things. I really think he's starting to mimic a little bit. Nothing too consistent, other than momma, but it's fun hearing him talk and try to pick up what he's saying! It was good seeing everyone and we're excited to go camping with the BIG family next weekend!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
So close...
Braylen is so close to crawling and also to pulling himself up. I'm excited, but also nervous, knowing our easy nights and mornings are about to change!! We're trying to rest up preparing for chaos in the upcoming weeks. Maybe Braylen will hold off until after the camping trip, we'll see. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MqtpVUsMxU
Monday, June 21, 2010
Weekend with our Favorite Chicagoians
We spent the weekend in Chicago with Kristin, Jimmy, Jason, Angie and Alana and had a great time. We were going to go to the Cubs game on Saturday, but Braylen and I decided to sit it out while Jeremy, Jason, Kristin and Jimmy went. We were glad to miss out, as the Cubs got stomped!!! But we had lots of fun hanging out with Angie and Alana and then Alana's grandma, Jill, and Grandpa, Steve. Alana called Braylen B-len and he loved watching and playing with Alana. He also loved his new girlfriend, Kristin, he is totally smitten with her! It was such a great weekend that even the spouts of rain, horrible Cubs game and annoying mosquitoes couldn't bring it down!
Here's a video of Alana talking, in this she says Holy Cow (a new favorite saying) and Braylen, too cute!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maYGAyhmADE
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day too...
Oh yeah, we didn't forget Father's day among the chaos of Sunday! We saw a few dads on Sunday and wished them well, called dad (papa) to tell him happy dad's day too. Jeremy got to drive home for father's day, wow, how nice huh?! But when he got home he dove into the US Open and didn't seem to mind much at all!! Love and thanks to all of the dads out there!

Happy 2nd Birthday Alana!!
What weekend isn't complete with a fabulous birthday party for a fabulous girl?! We had a fun last day in Chicago celebrating the big 2 year old's birthday! Here are some pics of the festivities and a video of a present that was a hit, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF-_lLJKXuU.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Big car seat for a big boy
The time had come to get a new car seat, hard to believe these expensive things don't last longer!! We got an inexpensive one first and will probably use that one in Jeremy's truck, then I'll get a nicer one with more padding for my car, it will be more comfortable for longer trips. Braylen seems to like it OK and always checks it out when we get in the car.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hair cut
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Fun weekend with Mom
Friday after work I picked Braylen up and we ran a few errands before coming home. Jeremy was out boating and that left us to play and laugh. We went to target and I found a ball just Braylen's size that I was bouncing and catching in the isle. Braylen LOVED this and was laughing so hard for approx 5 minutes, of course no camera! I got the ball and when we got home the ball bouncing was old news :( but he does like rolling it back and forth. We also did a photo shoot on the floor and here are "The many faces of Braylen!"
On Saturday Jeremy had a bachelor party and I was home with Bray for most of the afternoon and all night. We had a great time hanging out in the pool. This was the first time I had him in the pool and I knew he would love it just as much as the tub. I found a few new things to make him laugh and a lot of his inside toys made great pool toys too! I can't wait for more opportunities to sit in and by our pool and maybe get out to the big pool and, of course, Nana and Papa's pool very soon!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Braylen's new(old) babysitters
Mom's taking a day off. So, I thought I would give this blog thing a go. (if there are any misspellings, blame Papa. He's my spellcheck) I was tickled down to my tiny little toes last weekend, when Nana and Papa came to spend most of the weekend. And, I didn't even miss Mom and Dad when they left for a wetting,(or something like that)! I got to eat ice cream and cake, popcorn, stay up late, watch scary movies, and lay around, doing nothing! Just kidding, Mom! Nana and Papa had me eat green stuff that Nana thought was peas, but was actually green beans. I didn't correct her because I was being nice. We did the bananas and pear thing, plus rice cereal. Papa put up a swing that I thought was really cool, especially because he left it behind. I also got to swim in my pool for the first time. Well, actually, I just sort of sat around and splashed. But it was fun (even if I was a little cool) We had so much fun on Saturday I didn't even miss Mom and Dad. And, there were two extra dogs around. I love puppies! One of the names was something like Norman, and the other was Fella (even though I think she was a girl!) Papa and Nana kept talking about this new baseball team. I think it was the Cardinals. And, unlike the Cubs, the Cardinals actually won! I was glad to see Mom and Dad when they got back from the wetting on Sunday, (even though Dad looked a bit tired). I sure miss Nana and Papa, and can't wait to see them again. This blog thing is kind of fun. Maybe I will try it again soon. Thanx for reading!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
8 Months
8 months old and such a little man already! His vocabulary includes baba, not sure if bye bye or just baby talk, trying to coordinate waving with that now, also says momma, dadda, pupp pupp (again I think) and uh ohh. It's so cute when he babbles and starts talking and squealing like he's really trying to tell me about his day. He does put on a front around new people and in new places where he won't smile much, or stink face, talk a lot or show a lot of emotion, but when he gets home he doesn't stop! His mode of transportation now is excessive rolling and he can pull himself up when we offer our hands and looks like he's getting ready to go from sitting to crawling, just not there yet. His new love is the grass and being outside. He picks the grass and inspects it and if it passes, he then decides to try to eat it. Other food in his diet include, peaches, pears, apples, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and he's a PIG! He really should be about 35/40 lbs due to his eating habits, but fortunately for him, unfortunately for us, his food goes right through him, I mean immediately right through him! We're still working on sleeping through the night, last week he woke up at 6/6:30, but still has a few days where he reverts back to up one time in the early morning. We've had a great 8 months and we are anxious and nervously awaiting what happens in the next 4 months, AHHHH!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IzxfGFw42U sorry for the last few seconds, welcome to parenthood, huh?!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IzxfGFw42U sorry for the last few seconds, welcome to parenthood, huh?!

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