Mastitis update: I called the my dr because I've not been feeling better. My dr was a little worried because mastitis doesn't usually last this long and she was contacting a specialist to decide what the next action would be for me. They decided it would be best for me to be admitted to the hospital. I went in expecting to be out that night or the next day to not being sure if they were ever going to let me out. They had me hooked up to IVs and drugs for a while trying to combat my ailments. According the the drs and nurses this is not a common case, so they weren't sure what to do. Luckily I was in the birthing suite and around cute little babies, but because it was flu season no children under the age of 14 were allowed in the hospital. By Friday the dr OKed Bray to come in and visit, which made my stay more bearable. Mom came up to help Jeremy out and I must say, they were both amazing and so helpful during my stay, without them I would have gone crazy. I was release the next Monday feeling much better, but not completely "healed." Braylen and Jeremy were glad to have me home and it didn't seem that my absence stunted Braylen's growth, I feel like he's grown so much in one week!

Awww, Braylen looks so happy to see you too in this picture