We've taken the road from
Dubuque to Jacksonville many times, but this was Bug's first trip to Jacksonville and our first trip with him in the car for 4 hrs. We started the trip on Tuesday night after Jeremy got off work. He needed to get gas before leaving town so we pull into the
BP a mile from our house and
Braylen had a little gas. While Jeremy is pumping I debate whether or not I should change his diaper. Jeremy gets back in the car and I decide I need to at least check his diaper, so he pulls out of the gas stall and I get
Braylen out to change his diaper, only to find a major blow out waiting for me. The spare outfit is used before we even get out of
Dubuque!! I had to get out of the car and set him on the seat to change him and it was a MESS!! I guess we learned our lesson and make sure he's "empty" before our next car ride. Anyway we got home and had a great time with my family and we made lots of really good treats, which were eaten almost immediately! The
Greenhill's came by the day before Thanksgiving to meet the newest member of the family and I think they fell in love with him!! Also, Braden and Phil stopped by to drop off a gift for
Braylen, a bear Braden won as school, his first baseball cards and some much needed diapers!! It was great to see them as well as the rest of the family on Thanksgiving.
Braylen did really well with everyone as they played pass the baby. I think
Braylen will be the center of the show wherever we go, at least until another new baby comes along!!