Jeremy and I have decided we really need to put our foot down on some of the things the dogs do that drive us crazy now, before the baby comes. For instance, Molly loves to bark at everything outside regardless if she's outside or inside, annoying! Riley love to get right in your face, cute and annoying but could become frustrating with a new baby. Molly loves attention, a potential problem when all of the attention will be on the baby. I borrowed a baby doll from a coworker and they are going CRAZY over it. Part of it may be the smell of
some one's home and animals, so they have been wanting to sniff it thoroughly. When they get adjusted to it, we need to use positive reinforcement when we are trying to get them to be gentle, get down off the furniture, not bark, etc... We haven't started the official training yet, but have introduced the doll and been saying baby a lot getting them used to the terminology we'll be using. Riley will probably be the most protective and I could see her running to the baby when it's crying and sitting by the crib to make sure the baby's OK. In fact the doll is in the crib when we're not holding it and Riley will sit right next to the crib or under it randomly throughout the day. Molly on the other hand will be pissed at first she's not the baby, but I think that will quickly change and she'll go about her daily life with little interest in the baby. I know us Scott's, and
Greenhill's, are crazy for our dogs, but I think we've got to introduce some of these changes early so I don't nuts when the dogs are crying, barking, jumping at the same time the baby is crying. Wish us luck!!

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