pies! We had a BIG weekend planned. Our rainy Saturday started with a children's production of "Go Dog Go" at UD. I wasn't sure how the kids, Madison, Bray and Gavin, would handle the 1 hr long play of a beloved book. It was a true success!! At one point in time I looked down the line of our kids and they were all entranced. I'm so glad we went and Braylen is still asking about it today. We went to Madison's house after and let the kids blow off some steam and then we headed home.
I started a cooking "project" that afternoon while Braylen was resting. I'm not a big fan of difficult or multi step recipes, Mandi knows this all too well, but this recipe caught my eye. It was a recipe for whoopie pies. I didn't have buttermilk, but found an alternate by using vinegar and milk combo that I thought I'd try instead. Needless to say I didn't mix the dry and wet ingredients together because the "buttermilk" separated the sugar and butter mixture and made it look like curds and whey, yuck! I decided to set that aside for a Sunday project instead!
Saturday night was spend with the Urban's and it was so much fun! Braylen and Nora play so well together and we had a lot of adult fun too! We love going to hang out with them, everyone has a good time together! Abby made dinner, it was delicious and then the kids played their hearts out until it got too late. Bray crashed on the way home and kept on sleeping when we laid him down!
Sunday was a day I knew I had to bust my butt to get lots done because we are leaving next week for vacation! This meant looking through Braylen's clothes, make sure they all fit because they're all new, looking through my borrowed maternity clothes and grab the summer stuff and get loads of laundry done! It was an exhausting but successful day. Braylen loved trying on his new clothes and shoes and decided to wear them around for a while.
He kept saying, "I'm ready for the beach!" He is definitely ready for the beach and we are all ready for vacation! As my day got crazier and crazier and my 24/7 shadow continued to follow me around while subsequently knocking over piles of clothes and not listening to my "don't do thats..." I finally had it. I was getting laundry out of the dryer and he was shutting the door while I was reaching in and I told him to leave and go find daddy. He looked at my quizzically and I repeated my command of leave, followed with a "get out." I will be the first to admit it was not very nice, but it was a lot better than freaking out on him. He went over to Jeremy and said, "Momma told me to get out and leave her alone." I heard Jeremy respond, "Well you should come over here and play then and let mom get her work done." I finished the laundry and went downstairs to put my feet up for a minute and indulge in a small glass of wine. Braylen snuck downstairs and asked if he could play downstairs and I told him he could but he had to be quiet and not talk. I relaxed and unwound, while Braylen played semi quietly until dinner. We went upstairs and Braylen said, "I'm a good boy momma." Which of course made my heart melt and I forgot why I was feeling so annoyed by my sweet boy. Anyway, I finally finished my whoopie pies, which by the way is my new favorite cookie!! It was a "late night" when this process was finally completed and although a mess, the most delicious mess I've ever made, ever!!
I started a cooking "project" that afternoon while Braylen was resting. I'm not a big fan of difficult or multi step recipes, Mandi knows this all too well, but this recipe caught my eye. It was a recipe for whoopie pies. I didn't have buttermilk, but found an alternate by using vinegar and milk combo that I thought I'd try instead. Needless to say I didn't mix the dry and wet ingredients together because the "buttermilk" separated the sugar and butter mixture and made it look like curds and whey, yuck! I decided to set that aside for a Sunday project instead!
Saturday night was spend with the Urban's and it was so much fun! Braylen and Nora play so well together and we had a lot of adult fun too! We love going to hang out with them, everyone has a good time together! Abby made dinner, it was delicious and then the kids played their hearts out until it got too late. Bray crashed on the way home and kept on sleeping when we laid him down!
He kept saying, "I'm ready for the beach!" He is definitely ready for the beach and we are all ready for vacation! As my day got crazier and crazier and my 24/7 shadow continued to follow me around while subsequently knocking over piles of clothes and not listening to my "don't do thats..." I finally had it. I was getting laundry out of the dryer and he was shutting the door while I was reaching in and I told him to leave and go find daddy. He looked at my quizzically and I repeated my command of leave, followed with a "get out." I will be the first to admit it was not very nice, but it was a lot better than freaking out on him. He went over to Jeremy and said, "Momma told me to get out and leave her alone." I heard Jeremy respond, "Well you should come over here and play then and let mom get her work done." I finished the laundry and went downstairs to put my feet up for a minute and indulge in a small glass of wine. Braylen snuck downstairs and asked if he could play downstairs and I told him he could but he had to be quiet and not talk. I relaxed and unwound, while Braylen played semi quietly until dinner. We went upstairs and Braylen said, "I'm a good boy momma." Which of course made my heart melt and I forgot why I was feeling so annoyed by my sweet boy. Anyway, I finally finished my whoopie pies, which by the way is my new favorite cookie!! It was a "late night" when this process was finally completed and although a mess, the most delicious mess I've ever made, ever!!