We decided we would dig up plants at our current house and move them out to the new house this weekend. We were out to dinner and for drinks Saturday night, so we weren't moving too fast Sunday morning, but I was able to put both
Braylen and Jeremy down for a 9:30 nap while I went out to start on our project. It really wasn't too bad, just lots of hard work.
Braylen slept for a surprisingly long time that morning giving me and then Jeremy, when he got up from his nap, a lot of time to get things done. I pulled up quite a few sections of plants, but still left lots behind. We went over to the new house that afternoon and started our work planting them. It was a little warm in the sun and also slightly difficult with
Braylen, but we brought along his
excersaucer and stroller, which helped a lot. Kyle and Patti
Kuntz (the family whose house we're moving into) came home from their work on their new home and their 2 little girls, Evelyn and Laney, helped Jeremy out A LOT and Patti helped with
Braylen. It wasn't just planting but lots of weed pulling and after all of that work I feel like there are lots more plants needed at the new house! Here are some pics of the view of our backyard and the beds we were planting in, doesn't look like we did too much, but hopefully the plants will fill in nice! Also, take note of
Bralyen showing off his 2 bottom teeth while in his stroller, the second one just started coming in last week!