Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Houston, we have a tooth
Jeremy called me on his way home from Braylen's babysitter and notified me of Bray's newest asset, a lower incisor. I was bummed because I was working until 9pm and wouldn't get to see/feel the new tooth until I got home later. I would have had a picture included, but there's nothing to see yet, you can just feel it has broken through! Woohoo, lets hope for a happy teeth cutting baby!! Also, due to his new addition we decided to add avocado to his cereal and he seemed to like it! This will be the first of his many new food experiences to come, this should be fun!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
24 weeks
Sorry for the tardiness of this, didn't get a chance to work on it last week!! Braylen's been working feverishly on talking. He's been grunting and seems like instead of crying will try to get some words out to express what he wants, Rolling over is still something he's capable of, but he doesn't seem to want or need to roll lately. Instead he spends a lot of time spinning, makes full rotations while on his back, on the floor, sitting in our lap, he's getting really good at sitting, and hanging out in his excersaucer. Oh, the life of a baby. Over the weekend Braylen got to play with a few of his best buds, Gavin, Madison and Nora. Gavin and his aunt Jen and uncle Pat babysat him on Saturday, sounds like they had lots of fun, the pic below is one of the updates I got throughout the day from Jen. Madison went over to play with the boys during the day! We went to visit Abby and Nora on Sunday and enjoyed the nicer weather with a walk. We hope the weather stays nice, we like to go on walks!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
23 weeks
I was just saying to my parents on skype that I'm running out of things to blog about on our "weekly birthday" blog for Braylen. I'm not sure when I'll stop the weekly blog, but it may around 6 months and from there just blog regularly about his changes, we'll see if I can stop cold turkey!! Well after I said that to Nana and Papa Braylen gave me more material to work with on our 23 weeks blog. Here are some of the funny pics and video of Braylen's new "stink face" and eating his toes!
I feel the need to caption them because they the stink face pics are in consecutive order and he continued doing the same face throughout the night, it was so funny!
I feel the need to caption them because they the stink face pics are in consecutive order and he continued doing the same face throughout the night, it was so funny!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Whew, another busy weekend...
I think we're all wiped out after the second weekend of visitors! We had so much fun with Mandi, Andriy, Jess and JDo for St Patrick's Day! It will probably be the last visit on Lea Ln, after May you will be visiting Brentwood Ct!! They made it to town on Friday night and we hung around chatting for a while, on Saturday we hung around the house waiting for Jeremy to get off work and JDo to arrive, Jess kicked Mandi and I butt's with a hard core workout while we waited! We had a nice smorgasbord lunch and a few drinks to get the late afternoon going! We went to Mining Co for appetizers and then back to the house for more fun!! Braylen had a great time with everyone, I think he was fully stimulated by everyone and loved watching the action of the weekend! We are so glad you guys got to come up before the move and before our house is too torn apart! After our nice walk, they left, we ran a few errands and then back home to get some packing done. I got my second wind around 4:00, just as Braylen was getting crabby from lack of sleep!! I made Shepard's pie, yummy, in honor of upcoming St Patty's Day and we had a nice night hanging around!
fun video of Bray laughing at his aunts,
Note Braylen's bling in one of the photos, too funny.

fun video of Bray laughing at his aunts,
Note Braylen's bling in one of the photos, too funny.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
22 weeks and Braylen has a mouth!
I believe Braylen has really been exploring his mouth lately and what he is able to "do" with his mouth! He's been a hand/finger sucker for a while now and is often munching on his fingers when hungry and as I've mentioned before he's been chatting up a storm lately. But, just recently he has started making other noises with his mouth and controlling the sound and pitch of his voice. He will sometimes squeal like a girl, talk really soft or try to talk to Jeremy and I if we're not paying attention, a little loud to get our focus. He has also just started acting like he's gagging or coughing. His personality is so funny. His interested in books has been growing too, I have been trying to read to him everyday and he is very interested in the pages, picture and will follow your finger if you point at pictures or words. He will sometimes last 4-5 books, but usually gets antsy around book 3. Kati, one of his favorites is Peek A Boo book you gave him, he loves when I startle him and say boo when I quickly turn the page!
I wish I could have a constant camera on him to capture every moment, but I presume some of the best memories are just that, memories!!
I wish I could have a constant camera on him to capture every moment, but I presume some of the best memories are just that, memories!!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
New toys, games and tricks
Now that Braylen's 5 months, he's got lots to add to his accomplishments! Thanks to Nana and Papa and Kelson, Braylen has a new exersaucer,! He really seems to enjoy it and now he loves trying to sit up, this is WAY better than laying on the floor. Papa was playing elevator with him, he likes being raised in the air so this was a fun new game. He's also trying to show us how big he is by trying to sit up more in his car seat, he pulls his head forward, either that or he's working on his ab muscles. He also learned to hold the remote, just like his daddy. We had such a fun weekend and I think Nana and Papa had a good time too, considering he got double the amount of attention and love he normally gets from two of us!! Can't wait for more visitors!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010
Finally a flip!
A full flip was performed on Friday! While waiting for Nana and Papa, Braylen decided to roll over from back to front. We're so proud!
his flip landing on his arm
succesful flip over, on the phone with parents
his flip landing on his arm
succesful flip over, on the phone with parents
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
21 weeks
Lots has happened this week, well kind of. Braylen has rolled over, in his own way. I don't think we're going to get much more out of him, he doesn't love his belly and doesn't have too much of a reason to roll over... I'm going to start putting him on his belly more to promote crawling, not that I want that to happen anytime soon. Yesterday he did the yoga position downward dog, or at least his version of it, while on his belly.
I've had a few "real" mommy things happen to me over the weekend and just this morning. So far I have been pooped on and peed on, while changing the diaper, nothing major, and my work clothes have many times been spit up on before work as well as my everyday casual clothes. I've gotta say, that I think I've had every bodily function on me at some point in time over the past 5 months. On Saturday I was hanging out with Braylen in the morning and when I was feeding him I glanced down at my shirt and there was a nice, big, green, crusted bugger hanging out on my shirt, like a badge of honor! I got it off and went on with my day, in the same shirt, no biggie right?! Today Braylen had to be woken up at 8, had to be to work by 9, and I changed his clothes, diaper and sat down to feed him when I felt a growing warm spot on my leg. I first thought nothing of it, just thought the sun was beating on my leg, but I checked just to make sure there was no pee leakage out of the diaper and, of course, there was right onto my work pants. He had his clothes on for about 10 minutes before I had to change him completely. With his clothes change and now it is about 8:30 and I still needed to move the truck up in the drive way and start it, I didn't have time to change my work pants. To my defense, it was just a little spot on my pants, and I feel like another badge added to my sash. I feel like mom's should have a sash like the Girl Scouts and get patches every time stuff like this happens, only feels appropriate.
I know we're so biased about the cuteness and sweetness of our little peanut, but I had to share this story with you. Jeremy isn't a fawn over Braylen kind of dad. He'll many times say how cute he is or make him smile and just glow while looking at him, but he's not an overly doting father, unlike Braylen's mom!! I work until 9pm on Mondays and Wednesdays and I don't love being here while I feel like I'm missing a lot with the boys, but I know it's great for them to have father son time. I will often call to see how things are going or Jeremy will call on the way home through his blue tooth so I can talk with both of them, but he's usually got his hands full during the evening. Last night I was working and I got a text from Jeremy and it read, "Do u know who has the cutest boy in the work? u do!" It totally made me smile and miss him/them even more, but I again got reassurance that they are getting some quality bonding time while I'm away!!Here are some fun and cute pics from the weekend and today and with a suggestion from Abby, I added a thought bubble to his second picture!
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