Tuesday, February 23, 2010

20 weeks

Braylen's new things this week, he's been grabbing his feet lots, sucking on his lower lip and growing like a weed! Still no rolling over, but he's SO close. I really think he'll make the flip this week. His legs are still so strong and one of his favorite things to do is to stand when I'm burping him or anytime he gets the chance. He also has the strength to break apart his rings or pull his ball so hard that he bends the play mat bar to the ground. He's pulling and grabbing like no body's business, his favorite things to grab are hair and jewelry!! Oh, and he's very ready for baseball season and can't wait until his first Cubs game!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Play dates are fun...

Saturday night we had the Urban's over for a play date. Neither Nora or Braylen were completely content, but right before they were getting ready to leave they laid on the floor and "played", really just cooed, smiled and were downright adorable! Funny too, they both have a hemangioma (collection of red blood vessels temporary birthmark) on their toe, Bray's on his big toe and Nora on her little toe. My Dr said he'd never seen one on the toe until Braylen, I think they are meant to be! FYI, in a few pictures they were trying to hold hands

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

19 weeks, going on 18 years

I have noticed lately that if I'm holding Braylen and my phone rings or I check it, he is completely enthralled with the lights and shininess. I'm pretty frightened by this, I think he'll start asking for a phone of his own by the age of 5, ugh!! Just this morning he was fussy and I was walking around the house putting my lunch together and bags ready for work while carrying him. My phone was not in my purse, so I checked my email and began placing it in my purse when I realized Bray stopped fussing and was talking to my phone, I know we're teaching him these habits!!
Also, we went to get Braylen's haircut and he is now as handsome as ever! No more long pieces of hair hanging down past his ears or in his eyes, it's all, for the most part trimmed up. Grandma did a great job and he's all cleaned up now!!
Before After
Bray's been talking, laughing and more and more attentive every day. He's getting so strong! He is probably going to be pro wrestler because his legs are so strong and he does this dead leg drop that literally shakes the house. I was downstairs doing laundry and I thought I heard someone come in the door, ran upstairs to see Bug doing his leg drops! I'm still working with him on rolling over, we'll get there soon! Things are really great in the Fluhr household, we love watching him change daily and see what new things he's doing and learning!

Monday, February 15, 2010

So many giggles

While skyping last night Braylen got the giggles so much. Riley thinks that anytime I sit on the floor it's time to play fetch and while skyping we were sitting on the floor. Braylen has giggled a few times while I throw the ball for Riley, but nothing like last night. It was the funniest and cutest thing I've ever heard. It makes my heart melt every time I see it!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The weekend of firsts...

Braylen attended his first basketball game on Saturday and seemed completely terrified and intrigued with what was going on. It was the U of Dubuque and Loras game at Loras Saturday afternoon. We walked in and a buzzer went off and people were cheering and Braylen broke out screaming. Fortunately, it was a few seconds of pure terror that quickly ended. We sat with some of my coworkers and their children and Braylen was not only enthralled with the game and fans, but also Hattie and Keaton! UD lost, but it was a fun first for us.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rice cereal anyone?

Braylen says, "Yes please." His first experience with this rice cereal took place last night and was fairly uneventful. I was expecting crazy faces and messiness and there was a little of both, probably due to the blandness of rice cereal and the small amount that we fed him. He did try to suck on the spoon anytime he was fed, habit I guess! Once he gets the hang of it I think he'll be a monster and start growing even more, which I'm not sure how ready I am for, but we're excited about the next venture in the world of baby, solid food!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

18 weeks

Bray had his 4 month appt today and fared pretty well, considering there were shots involved. They weighed and took his measurements and I'm sad to say, Braylen is not our son :( OK just kidding, but his "stats" indicate our son and another may have been switched on the nursery, there's probably some dark haired, short and stocky little boy running around somewhere in Dbq right now with tall, slender and confused parents. Braylen is 13.8 lbs and in the 35% of kids his age, don't remember the length, but he was in the 85% and his head was 90%, long and lean, not his parents genetics. Of course I know this can and probably will change, so I hope Braylen's enjoying his brief tall stint until he turns into the runt of his age group. FYI, his sleeping habits still suck! I'm going to try rice cereal this week and see if that will help fill his belly more and in turn sleep more and better! Wish us luck. I will have pics and video of our venture the first time, although the first "meal" will probably consist of a bite and a half of cereal, we're hoping to get some good faces from him during the process. Can't believe he's starting to eat food, wow!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fun at Nana and Papa's

Braylen and I had one heck of a fun weekend at Nana and Papa's. Jessica and Chase and Hunter were also in town, so we got to spend time with almost everyone!! I know Nana and Papa had so much fun playing and starring at Bray on Friday night and then Saturday we got to see everyone else! Mom had a little Superbowl pre party on Saturday night and it was a blast. Braylen got to be held by his great aunts and uncles, cousins and super Nana and Papa (Mandi and Jess came up with super instead of great and I think it fits well!). And everyone else got to play Just Dance for Wii and the game of things, I highly encourage everyone to play both games, they were a blast. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRtT9LsKJFk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh65st2RSaA
We were pretty exhausted when we got home on Sunday, but the weekend was worth it! Thanks for everyone that was able to come over, we love seeing and spending time with everyone!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

17 weeks

We're still working on flipping over and think we're getting closer and closer, hopefully big news will be around the corner. Jeremy did take the infant sling out of his bathtub, but mommy wasn't there to take photos or experience the splashing that took place :( Everything he gets goes directly into his mouth and when I give him a burp rag, he buries his face in it and then it goes in his mouth!! He still loves smiling and almost laughing at nothing (or at least nothing we can see), he will many times laugh at the light in our living room and it's so funny. We are loving the time with spend with our little peanut and really cannot believe how the time is flying!!
Bray got camo pants and I wanted to put them on him before his bed time sleep sak, I think it's kinda funny, now I just wish Jeremy was wearing camo too!!