Bray had his 4 month
appt today and fared pretty well, considering there were shots involved. They weighed and took his measurements and I'm sad to say,
Braylen is not our son :( OK just kidding, but his "stats" indicate our son and another may have been switched on the nursery, there's probably some dark haired, short and stocky little boy running around somewhere in
Dbq right now with tall, slender and confused parents.
Braylen is 13.8 lbs and in the 35% of kids his age, don't remember the length, but he was in the 85% and his head was 90%, long and lean, not his parents genetics. Of course I know this can and probably will change, so I hope
Braylen's enjoying his brief tall stint until he turns into the runt of his age group. FYI, his sleeping habits still suck! I'm going to try rice cereal this week and see if that will help fill his belly more and in turn sleep more and better! Wish us luck. I will have pics and video of our venture the first time, although the first "meal" will probably consist of a bite and a half of cereal, we're hoping to get some good faces from him during the process. Can't believe he's starting to eat food, wow!