I just got a text from Jessica this morning and it read...
"I just held a 2 week baby, and she liked it. I feel that I'm the most experienced and therefore probably the favorite aunt..."
I had to laugh because it caught me off guard and I know the competition has begun before the baby is even born! Who will be the favorite, only time will tell??!! I'm guessing the favorite will probably be the person who moves to Dbq ASAP!! Thanks for the laugh Jess!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Congrats Kellie and Austin
Friends of ours were married over the weekend and we had a great time Saturday night at the reception. The bride was beautiful and the reception was wonderful, AKA the food was spectacular and the beer was free flowing for the boys!! We were happy to be included in their big day!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Well practiced
Jeremy and I figured the best way to prepare for the new baby is to babysit and help out with the babies around us. We agreed to babysit Madison and it was the first time Joleen had left her with someone, so it was a little bit nerve racking thinking of being left with a 1 month old baby!! We did great, or maybe I should say she was great and slept most of the night. It was only a few hours, but we did feed, burp and change her and lulled her to sleep! Here are some adorable Madison pics documenting our first babysitting experience!

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Should we call her Scooter?
The party was good on Saturday, but the real fun happened on Sunday just hanging around 1 year old Alana when the masses of people had gone and she had a pretty good nights sleep! I think I'm going to nickname her scooter, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ftkD4jFx3o. No crawling yet, but will probably be walking before too long!!

Happy Fathers Day
Sorry, this is about a week late!!
Another Cubs game on Sunday and another win. WOOHOO!! Jen and Pat, Jeremy and I, Jason and Jared went to the game and enjoyed a good game! Cubs were playing the Indians and, thank goodness, it went 9 innings no extras! It was a hot game, but well worth watching them win. We got home around 9pm and I gave Jeremy his fathers to be gift, nothing big, but kinda fun.

Another Cubs game on Sunday and another win. WOOHOO!! Jen and Pat, Jeremy and I, Jason and Jared went to the game and enjoyed a good game! Cubs were playing the Indians and, thank goodness, it went 9 innings no extras! It was a hot game, but well worth watching them win. We got home around 9pm and I gave Jeremy his fathers to be gift, nothing big, but kinda fun.

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Alana's 1!!
Hard to believe Alana's already 1! We had a great time with the family on Saturday in Crystal Lake and it was so fun watching Alana do all of the birthday things! Here are some adorable and fun pics from Saturday's party!
Angie and Alana before the mad chaos of cake and presents

Alana with her balloon

She was all about sharing with mom and dad!

She conquered the cake!!

She was pretty excited about present time!

I think the Monkey was her favorite gift!

Of course I had to get a pic in of Madison taking in all of the excitement of the day!
Angie and Alana before the mad chaos of cake and presents

Alana with her balloon

She was all about sharing with mom and dad!

She conquered the cake!!

She was pretty excited about present time!

I think the Monkey was her favorite gift!

Of course I had to get a pic in of Madison taking in all of the excitement of the day!

Friday, June 19, 2009
What's so hard about this?
We babysat for my co workers little girl Hattie last night and it was SO EASY!!! I hope my baby's as easy going and relaxed as little Hattie P is!! Chris dropped her off for just a couple of hours and she was a little scarred of the dogs at first, but after getting used to each other they were great. We played, had a little bottle, ate some food and watched some baseball, Jeremy had to get a pic of her watching baseball and laughing. She is really so adorable and easy going, she would make anyone excited about having a little baby around the house! I'm up for babysitting anytime, I feel like it gets us all, dogs included, just a little more adjusted to having a baby around!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
24 weeks
I almost forgot to put up my 24 weeks pics. We had our appt last Monday and everything looks great. The Dr didn't say anything about changing my due date and was a little frustrated with the ultrasound tech for telling me the baby is a little on the big side and they may move up my date. So for now, Sept 29 holds strong, although the Dr's telling me to shoot for Oct 1 so I don't get too anxious. I'm feeling great and growing like I've been eating watermelon's whole for the past few weeks!! The baby has been moving around a lot and I've been trying to have Jeremy feel it when he's around, unfortunately the baby's stubborn around Jeremy and stops the instant he touches my stomach! So far pregnancy's been wonderful and I'm enjoying every aspect of it!

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Back home...
We made it back home early on Sunday, just in time to get ready for Rita's birthday cook out at Jen and Pat's. It had been a while since we saw most of the Fluhr's so it was really nice to get together and enjoy the gorgeous evening. Of course, we got to spend some great time with little Madison too, which is always a plus!!

Friday, June 5, 2009
Viva Cincinnati
We knew once we hit Cincinnati we had a few options for the night we arrived. We decided to take action on the Cold Play concert. We made it into town around 4, changed, stole a blanket from the hotel and headed off to Riverview Amphitheater for the concert. Fortunately we were nearby enough to make it in time to get tickets for the lawn. We had a great night and it was perfect weather. The next morning we got the tickets for the Reds vs Cubs game that night and then went downtown near the park for lunch, ice cream and to explore. It was another great day and wonderful weather, we hung around fountain park most of the afternoon and then walked down to the game that evening. Cubs pulled off another win and we were 2 for 3 after our games, not a bad record!! Cincinnati was a great end to the vacation.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Cubs disappoint...
and then TOTALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES. On the ballpark tour of our vacation we visited Atlanta and the Braves Stadium. We went to the game the night we arrived hoping for a good game, and what we got was a pretty big disappointment. The Cubs were ahead and their pitcher was pitching awesome, the relievers came in late in the game and we lost in extra innings. We went to another game the next night, and fortunately we won in extra innings!! The ballpark was great and right behind our seats they served a huge ice cream cup with mix ins, yummy!! Atlanta was a nice city, we got to visit Centennial Park and the down town area. Now off to Cincinnati!!

Monday, June 1, 2009
Early morning Milestone
I've been feeling the baby kicking all throughout the past week or so, but Jeremy had yet to "feel" proof. Well, early Monday morning, probably 5am ish, I woke him up from a deep slumber and told him the baby was moving around a lot. He instantly put his hand on my belly and the baby was kicking for him. He felt it and went back to sleep, almost instantly. He now has tangible proof that a baby is growing in my belly and it's not just my insatiable appetite for ice cream!!
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