Sunday, May 31, 2009
Life's a beach...
...even at 48!! Happy Birthday Judi! We spent Sunday at the beach in Vero, FL and then had dinner out at the Greenhill's fave beach side restaurant. It was a beautiful day and nice to spend time with the family, except AJ he was home studying for finals :( Hope you had a good birthday Judi, we had a fun spending it with you!
Congratulations Alex!!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Kicking and punching
I have been feeling little flutter movements over the past few days. I am sitting at work and the baby was just moving around, so I touched my stomach to see if I could feel anything and sure enough, it was kicking and punching hard enough to feel it. Jeremy was trying to feel something last night before we fell asleep, that's when it's been moving abound most, but no luck. He'll be excited to feel some movements now! I was just eating oreos, just a little treat for the baby, probably why it's moving around so much. Since it likes them so much, I'll just have to eat lots more!
Monday, May 25, 2009
A Memorable Memorial Day
Finally we got to see and hold the adorable and tiny Madison. She finally made it home and mom, dad and Madison are very happy to be in their own home! The first day and night at home seemed to be going well and I hope Madison continues to thrive at home. She's such a content little bitty thing and so sweet. We lucked out because when we got there she just finished eating and was "wide" awake, well as awake as a 1 week old can be. Videos to come...
We're leaving this upcoming weekend for a little vacation to visit the Greenhill's in FL and then up to Atlanta and Cincinnati for a couple Cubs games. I am so looking forward to getting away and enjoying some R&R! This weekend I went home, again, and dropped Molly and Riley off for their vacation, 2 weeks at Norbert and Ella's house. It's really weird not having them around and a little lonely too! I'm sure they are having the time of their life and playing so hard they are going to be exhausted when we pick them back up! If anyone has any suggestions of places to visit on our way to our destinations or once we arrive, let us know we're still wide open in our down time!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Madison Rose Fink!!
Madison Rose was born 4 weeks early and is a happy and healthy little girl!! She is in NICU for another day or two, so we were not able to hold her, but saw her through a window. The nurse graciously took this picture of the happy family. We're so glad everyone is doing so well. She is 5 lbs 11 oz and not sure how long. She was born at 9:50pm and Joleen went from 3 cm dilation to 6 cm in about 15 mintues and shortly after was pushing. The labor was smooth and easy and she only pushed about 45 minutes, this is from Joleen's mouth!! We can't wait to hold her in person and meet little Madison!
We had our ultrasound today and it's a....
SURPRISE!! We didn't find out the sex, but we know it's healthy! Everything looks good, the baby is big for being 20 1/2 weeks, the ultrasound tech actually said I'm reading about a week early, but fingers, toes, eyes, ears and mouth are all present and accounted for! Not the greatest pics the baby kept putting it's hands in front of it's face and the umbilical cord was in the way for most of them, but very cool all the same. My fave picture is the one where it's rubbing it's eyes, already so cute. The tech kept saying that it was moving around a lot and how cute the nose is, I think these are both good things!! The heart beat was a little higher than last time at 145, so it could be guessed as a girl this week, we'll see. And no, McLaughlin's, we're not telling anyone the names, those will also be surprises. You'll just have to wait until September before you know, that probably kills most of you, especially you Shari!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Breakfast at Mandi and Andriy's
Mandi and Andriy had everyone over for breakfast Saturday morning and it was delicious. My stomach is growling just thinking about it!!
Congrats Jess!!
Jessica is now officially a college graduate. She graduated from Western Illinois on Saturday and is done with college, WOOHOO!! Congratulations Jess, we are so proud of you!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wii it's Friday!
Friday we went back to Jax to spend some time with the family, including Jess and Clint, YEAH!!! It's been since before the holidays since we've seen them and it was so fun hanging out and seeing them again! We got to town around 7:30pm on Friday and hung around and ate dinner. After lots of talking and laughing, typical arrival at mom and dad's, we settled in for some serious Mario Cart, Wii style. OK, so it wasn't serious, but was lots of fun. We even got mom and dad cruising around the tracks too! As you can tell from the pics, the participants got pretty into it!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
20 weeks
Where has the time gone. I'm 20 weeks done and 20 more to go. Pretty amazing that we'll have little Fluhr in that short of a time frame, I think we're getting more and more excited as we start getting things and doing things for the baby! My 20 week appt was yesterday and the first time Jeremy has been able to come along. The appt lasted all of 10 minutes, but they did measure my belly and checked the heartbeat. The baby's going strong at about a 133 heart rate, according to the Dr a boy's heart rate is below 140 and a girl's is above 140??!! I haven't done any kind of tests to determine sex yet and I'm not sure if I plan to, we'll see how anxious I get when the date comes closer! Jen Ready had her ultrasound on Monday and she said it was awesome!! It makes me so excited because ours is next Monday! I took some more photos of the belly this morning, people have been requesting it and I'm trying to space out the pics for every 4 weeks or every Drs appt. I haven't felt any definitive movements yet, but I'm hoping soon!

Monday, May 11, 2009
29 and going strong
Abby and I got back to Dubuque on Monday around 3 and unloaded all of our stuff!! When I got home I began planting and spending some much needed time outside. He helped out and finished the planting, my back was starting to ache (maybe from old age or maybe the extra 10 I'm carrying?). He grilled steak, mushrooms and stuffed baked potatoes, so yummy, and we each had a glass of wine, mine was more like a drink. After dinner walked the dogs, went to Coldstone creamery and relaxed at home until bedtime. Below are a few birthday items. Sheri got the frog for me and the baby, it was more like a congrats on being pregnant present, but so cute I had to share. I'll have to post a video of what it ribbits another time!! The purse is from Jeremy, as well as the shopping spree. It was a great day and a wonderful 29th birthday. I feel so lucky to have such great friends and family, thanks for the cards and birthday wishes everyone. I am also so fortunate to have such a loving and caring husband, thanks for everything Jeremy. Lots of love to you all!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
On Sunday we made the trip, after a few hours more of shopping, to Mankato to visit Sheri's home and steal some plants! They have a beautiful yard and garden and it was fun shopping around their yard for flowers! We put Sheri and Scott to work on Sunday digging us the plants and set them on the deck until out departure the next day. After a delicious dinner out to Famous Daves we headed home for a good night sleep. Thanks for the great weekend Abby and Sheri!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
What a weekend!!
This weekend Abby and me went to Minnesota for a HUGE shopping trip!! We met her mom, Sheri, in Bloomington Friday night and shopped til we dropped Saturday and Sunday. We got lots of stuff, ate great food and had a really fun time together. I did lots of maternity shopping and got a few baby things, thanks to Sheri and Abby's gifts! Abby and I were a little scared how the husbands would react to the immense amount of bags and credit card bills, but I think we both survived the return home!! Here are some fun pictures from the weekend!

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