Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The waiting is almost over, I hope!!
After 2 full months of knowing I'm pregnant I may be able to finally tell everyone! My co-workers are starting to question me. With sneaky looks at my bulging belly and quick, but quiet (fortunately), comments about when the news is coming, it's really hard lying, they have an idea some thing's up!! The guys are oblivious, but the women are a little more keened into what's going on! I hope we're able to tell Don and Rita tomorrow or Friday and the rest of the Fluhr's, which I feel like I have been avoiding like the plague, hopefully Friday and Saturday! Whew!!! Then I can tell my coworkers and some close friends I have not yet told. Then, I'm sure, the news will spread like wildfire and I will be able to let my belly show, YEA. It's not because I want everyone to see it, but I'm running out of "normal" clothes that don't make me look pregnant!! I'll try to post some new pics soon and maybe update this weekend on how things go.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Hey mom and dad...
We finally told the Scott, Chukin and Bigelows and needless to say they were just a little bit excited. I could tell when we walked in and when mom hugged me she was feeling my waist more than normal, just can't wait to be told has to figure it out herself, as dad would say, "Typical McLaughlin!!" We waited around for about 30 minutes while talking about the "alleged" boat we were looking at in the area and other random chit chat. The Internet was down and I thought my plan was thrown off course, but luckily mom had her work computer up and I was able to pull up our blog and tell everyone. I think my parents have been floating around for the past few days on cloud 9!! Everyone was, of course, excited and so eager to ask how things were going. But, I'm feeling great and feeling like it's a little more real the more people know our secret. Now we're trying to find the time to get the Fluhr's together and tell them about my news and after that everyone else!! My coworkers need to be told soon, my belly isn't very good at hiding at 14 weeks!! We're excited to see Jessica and Clint in May and show them that I wasn't kidding and everyone else soon as well. We love you all and thanks for the nice comments and emails!! I am glad to hear every one's excited about my blog updates because I love writing them!!
We finally told the Scott, Chukin and Bigelows and needless to say they were just a little bit excited. I could tell when we walked in and when mom hugged me she was feeling my waist more than normal, just can't wait to be told has to figure it out herself, as dad would say, "Typical McLaughlin!!" We waited around for about 30 minutes while talking about the "alleged" boat we were looking at in the area and other random chit chat. The Internet was down and I thought my plan was thrown off course, but luckily mom had her work computer up and I was able to pull up our blog and tell everyone. I think my parents have been floating around for the past few days on cloud 9!! Everyone was, of course, excited and so eager to ask how things were going. But, I'm feeling great and feeling like it's a little more real the more people know our secret. Now we're trying to find the time to get the Fluhr's together and tell them about my news and after that everyone else!! My coworkers need to be told soon, my belly isn't very good at hiding at 14 weeks!! We're excited to see Jessica and Clint in May and show them that I wasn't kidding and everyone else soon as well. We love you all and thanks for the nice comments and emails!! I am glad to hear every one's excited about my blog updates because I love writing them!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
A Belly Shot
I kinda hate having belly's shoved in my face when women are pregnant, but I figure all who are, or at least will be reading this, will "enjoy" anything I put up. Also, since I am documenting the pregnancy and experience, growing belly's are a part of it. I just took these the other morning after my 12 week appointment, not too much there yet. What is there is a mix between baby and bad food I've been eating lately, my traveling diet is still in full swing even though I'm back home. I was also SO good about working out right up until I left for 9 days and again still on the traveling workout routine, non-existent. I'll be back on that next week, not just for health reasons, but the doctor was telling me that women who workout or are in shape tend to have easier labor, I'm holding her to that!!! I also figure I'll try anything that may "help"! The doctor said my uterus is the size of a grapefruit now, the baby is about 1 ounce and 2.5 inches and will begin moving around more, but is still too small to feel. Soon enough I'll be feeling the little peanut moving and kicking! One more thing, my baby now has the ability to suck it's thumb (if any of you remember me as a child and if the baby is anything like me, it will be sucking it's thumb now). It also has tooth buds, fingernails and will be decidedly a boy or girl after this week, but don't get your hopes up, we're not finding out!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
12 weeks already!!
Well, a big milestone occured today, my 12 week appointment! Wow, I thought the first few weeks/months would drag on because of out anticipation to tell family and friends, but because of my busy schedule it's gone by quickly, so far!! Again, so funny writing this email to no one, well there is one person, sorry had to spill the beans to SOMEONE!! At my 12 week appointment they just "checked" to make sure everything was on track and that I had the "baby delivering bone structure," it is and I do. We also listened to the heart beat, very cool and fast, and got a little snap shot of what little baby Fluhr will look like. So far, 2 hands, 2 feet, a head and torso, right on track! It wasn't the big ultrasound, but still very cool. My "official" due date is September 29, yep another one, I think this will be the 11th immediate family "holiday" in September, WOAH!! Plus, just found out another Fluhr, actually a Ready, is due just about the same time as me, so make that 12!! Jeremy hasn't come along with me to the Dr yet because of work, but I know he'll be along for the 20 week appointment. My next appointment is at 16 weeks and will be another checkup/physical. Below are some pictures of the little peanut, literally that big. Click on the photo for an enlarged view, the first is hard to see, but if you squint and turn you head sideways you can see the head, body, arms and legs in the 2nd and 3rd shots. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Loving and Loathing the Garmin
I'm traveling on the East Coast and have had a busy trip, thus far. I flew in Friday, March 6 to NYC with my coworker Jill. Saturday We took the bus to Austin St, a nice location with food and shopping. Did a small amount of shopping and then had dinner at a Cuban restaurant, fabulous, and then got ice cream. I had 2 scoops of gelato, nutella and like a dark choc rocky road. IT WAS DELICIOUS!! If you've never had gelato, I strongly recommend it and those flavors are wonderful!! Sunday we decided to leave the hotel EARLY and go into downtown NYC. We got up at 6am and got downtown around 8:30 am. We walked around FOREVER and saw the Statue of Liberty, the World Trade Center and Times Square. We were so bummed we weren't able to see any broadway shows, but we saw so many theaters it was really great. I was exhausted and a little sore walking around so much, so we headed back. Monday we got our rental cars and headed in different directions. I pulled out the Garmin and took a few deep breaths and was on my way. I went through the Midtown tunnel and Holland tunnel and it was exciting driving through NY and NJ. Unfortunately, it was a foggy day and the NYC skyline was not very visable. The Garmin told me, too late, to go left when I already going right into downtown NYC. I was literally driving downtown a block away from Rockerfeller Center and in the chaos of the city. It was kind of exilerating being in that kind of chaos, plus since I had the Garmin I was pretty confident driving through the city. I got out safe and sound and feel like I've completed one of "those things" everyone needs to experience. Yesterday I drove to Cherry Hill, NJ, near Philadelphia, and put it into my Garmin and started driving. I had already driven through the Neward and New Brunswick area so was vaguelly familiar with the town and cities nearby. I noticed I was traveling North when I should be going South. I pulled over and figured out there were 2 Cherry Hill, NJ. I drove about 30-45 min in the opposite direction, but found my way and got to the hotel in early enough to do a little work. Today I'm traveling to DE, then MD, DC, VA and back to DC to fly out next Sunday. The week is dragging on, but I'm hoping to see a few sites while in some of these locations. It's hard being away and knowing my dogs are not getting enough attention b/c of Jeremy's hours, but I'm trying to make the most of it and EAT my way through the East Coast!! Wish me, and the Garmin, luck with the rest of the trip! Sorry no pregnancy details to report yet, feeling good and eating a lot, and probably not as good as I should be considering I have been slacking on my work out, but I'll get back "on track" when I return.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
"I think I really messed up."
Typical Sunday afternoon at our house, Jeremy was working on taxes and then sat down on the couch to relax and watch some college basketball, I was doing laundry and decided to make cookies, everything was good, sun was shining in the house and the dogs were content. Until, Jeremy got antsy and decided to begin some of the "small" projects around the house we're been talking about lately. Because of chaos of work, he doesn't get much or any time until after April 15, to do house stuff. We've been talking about minor remodeling of the bathroom, change vanity or paint/refinish and get new handles, change our mirror/cabinet and change the shower fixtures. Jeremy started with the "easiest" of them all, the shower fixtures. Approx 1:00 he starts working on taking them off to replace and is running up and down the stairs turning water off, etc... He stops at one point and says to me, "I really am not sure I know what I'm doing," and I say, "I was just going to ask you that exact question." Long story short, he removes the on/off knob from the shower and unknowingly breaks the pipe, therefore we have a flowing water fountain when the water is turned one. He comes to me, very pale and says, "I think I really messed up." I thought he was kidding, he was not, and therefore didn't have water for a chunk of time on Sunday. I was not so worried about anything other than going to the bathroom, due to my decreasing badder size and excessive water drinking, I was thinking I'll have to ask the neighbors to use theirs. After some frantic calls to plumbers, friends and family, his dad Don came over and put in a shut off valve for the shower, so we can turn the water back on. Fortunately no major "accidents," unfortunately we don't have a shower and now have a hole in the wall next to the toilet and as the plumber comes by to investigate the situation, that hole may grow. Looks like we'll be doing a lot more remodeling of the bathroom than first expecting!! Dad, we may have to use your help/expertise in this department, also Andy just did the bathroom remodel thing, so maybe we'll steal him too!! Until then, we'll be bathing like our ancestors before us, bar of soap, washcloth and a sink full of water!!

FYI- I feel like I need add a little to this, after the fact, and let everyone know that a plumber has been to our house and fixed everything!! I asked him how bad Jeremy mucked things up and the plumber responded that he was really surprised about how good it looked??? I was a little confused too, he said the problem he encountered, he did an excellent job of fixing it and the sautering (sorry I don't spell home improvement words very often) was excellent!! I hope this doesn't give him the wrong idea about being a "good plumber." YEAH JEREMY!!
FYI- I feel like I need add a little to this, after the fact, and let everyone know that a plumber has been to our house and fixed everything!! I asked him how bad Jeremy mucked things up and the plumber responded that he was really surprised about how good it looked??? I was a little confused too, he said the problem he encountered, he did an excellent job of fixing it and the sautering (sorry I don't spell home improvement words very often) was excellent!! I hope this doesn't give him the wrong idea about being a "good plumber." YEAH JEREMY!!
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