Tuesday, December 29, 2009
12 weeks
Braylen has his 2nd cold, I thought it was worse than it is, which is great, but he's stuffy and has a little cough. I was worried it was more respiratory, but things are sounding fine. The booger sucker and nasal drops are my best friend and Braylen's worst enemy this week. I've been putting Braylen in his bumbo seat (pictured below) lately to work on his head control, which is getting a little better. He usually tolerates it for a few minutes and then gets restless.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
We spent Christmas with my parents this year. The drive to Jacksonville was less than wonderful due to icy conditions here in IA, but once we arrived, it was great to be "home" around my family. We went to Christmas Eve mass at 6pm and it was surprisingly not very crowded, which was nice considering Braylen wanted to let all know he was there. We went to Mandi and Andriy's house for soup and sandwiches and it was delicious! Christmas morning we meandered downstairs and Braylen was wisked away to the Christmas tree by Nana to show him what Santa brought him. He was obviously very excited. We opened gifts, got ready for the day and ate a fabulous lunch at mom and dad's. After that we traveled to my aunt and uncle's house for grab bag and, of course, more food. It was great to see everyone and Braylen was a little crabby because of lack of sleep, but he trucked on until about 8pm. I went to change his diaper and try to calm his fussiness, when he decided to scream bloody murder and choke himself with his sobs. I never thought I would say that Braylen's first tantrum was on Christmas day, I hope this doesn't turn into a yearly ritual!! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and got everything you wished for, I know we did!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Welcome baby Nora
Congratulations Abby and Andy, Eleanor Lynn Urban, Nora, is finally here. Nora was born on Tuesday morning and is so little and adorable. I'm so excited for them and the most excited for Abby to be relieved of her pregnancy!! She is beautiful and I can't wait until her and Braylen start dating!! Cheers to the happy family!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
11 weeks
Another week has passed. We're preparing for Christmas and another trip to Jacksonville. Braylen is super excited for the holidays!! He was watching me do laundry when I took his 11 week pictures, they're my favorite yet. He's cooing and cahhing at everything and especially at Jeremy and I when we talk to him and play with him. He loves his mirror and play mat and when he's fussy I lay him down and he's happy as can be. When he's on his playmat he's so close to rolling over, he rolls onto his side to get closer to his mirror, it's only a matter of time...
Of course I treasure all of the time we have together, but now that I'm back to work I love the time even more. He's such an entertainer.
Here's a video of him attempting to roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zHRPeHG8HQ
Of course I treasure all of the time we have together, but now that I'm back to work I love the time even more. He's such an entertainer.
Here's a video of him attempting to roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zHRPeHG8HQ

Sunday, December 20, 2009
First Christmas
We had Braylen's first Christmas on Sunday with Rita's sisters and brothers. It was nice to introduce Braylen to this side of the family and to see what he's in for in the years to come!! Braylen opened his first gift, thanks grandma and grandpa for the Christmas book and dog sleeper, as you can tell he's thrilled!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Baby laughs are best...
Last night Jeremy and I were laying in bed just starting to doze off when we heard this peculiar noise. We both opened our eyes and looked at each other and I asked him, "Was that Braylen laughing?" Braylen was put to bed about an hour earlier and was sleeping. He must have had a fabulous dream because this was no ordinary laugh, this was a full fledged belly laugh that I have never heard out of him before. It was just one laugh, although I must admit I was awake for a while after hoping to hear more, but it was enough to make me laugh and smile until I fell asleep, and I'm sure I smiled all throughout the night. I must admit there is nothing better than hearing your baby laugh or seeing them smile. Who would have thought parenthood would be so wonderful?!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
10 weeks
Back to work full time and enjoying my evenings at home with the Brayman! Jeremy's has a hard time from 5-6pm after he picks Braylen up from daycare calming down his fussiness waiting for me to get home. I think when Braylen gets home he instantly thinks he needs to eat, baby's have such crazy instincts! To pass the time Braylen has decided to suck his fist. He doesn't like to discriminate any fingers so he sucks them all, and quite vigorously too I might add.

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Visiting Santa
I really wanted to have Braylen get his photo taken with Santa, but didn't want to wait in the lines at the mall or be exposed to quite that many germs!! We found out that Santa was going to be at the Eagle's Club, a small bar/restaurant in the small town of Asbury, right outside of Dubuque on Sunday morning. We've eaten breakfast there before and it was delicious and get some free photos of Braylen and Santa. Breakfast was not disappointing and Braylen told Santa what he wanted for Christmas, more milk!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009
First day back to work
Well, the dreaded time has finally arrived. I held off as long as I could, but I new it was inevitable. Fortunately my first day back was a Saturday, which means a quiet office and no day care for Braylen. It was not as hard as I thought it would be and it sounds like the boys had some fun while mom was away. Here are some pictures of Braylen's bath with dad!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
9 weeks
Braylen had his first appt to the dr since his 2 week check up. We went in knowing he would get a few vaccinations and they would check his weight and height. We guessed his weight and I guessed about 11lbs 5oz and Jeremy said 12lbs, I think. He weighed in at 11lbs 6oz and is about 24in long, that puts him at 50% in weight and 80% in height??!! The nurse said their height won't be accurate until they're a little older. Well, he's growing, healthy, pretty happy (although the shots didn't make him very happy) and a continues to make me/us love him more every day, which I didn't think was possible!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009
Back to Nana and Papa's
Well, my hell has officially begun, shot gun hunting season. Braylen and I talked about what we could do while we were abandoned by Jeremy for the long weekend and we decided a trip to visit nana and papa would be best! I woke up on Friday morning panicked because Braylen didn't wake me up... I checked on him and was surprised to find him breathing and perfectly fine, HE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! WOW, I was astonished! Anyway, we took the trip to Jacksonville, just Braylen and myself, and made it safe and sound. When we got to nana and papa's we relaxed and hung out. We got to decorating on Saturday and had a great time hanging out and reminiscing over old Christmas decorations. Shari and Zach came around on Sunday to get some one on one time with Braylen. Being at my parents with Braylen is like a vacation for me, I don't have to change all of the diapers and have both of my hands free most of the time!! I kinda think they like it too!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
8 weeks old
Braylen is smiling more than ever now. He's doing so well through the night only usually waking up around 3/4am and then again around 7/8am. He's so happy in the mornings, he talks and coos and smiles all morning long. He's also been talking to himself and laughing at himself in the mirror, he loves and can be entertained for hours on the floor in front of his mirror!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009
We've got spirit, yes we do...
We were in the Christmas spirit while putting up decorations that Braylen and I were singing Christmas carols with our Christmas hats on, fortunately Braylen can't hold a camera yet, so I just got a picture of him! After our busy decorating and singing it was time for bed, UD style. Braylen wanted to wear his Spartan sleep sack and football slippers to bed, he's excited for college already!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009
We've taken the road from Dubuque to Jacksonville many times, but this was Bug's first trip to Jacksonville and our first trip with him in the car for 4 hrs. We started the trip on Tuesday night after Jeremy got off work. He needed to get gas before leaving town so we pull into the BP a mile from our house and Braylen had a little gas. While Jeremy is pumping I debate whether or not I should change his diaper. Jeremy gets back in the car and I decide I need to at least check his diaper, so he pulls out of the gas stall and I get Braylen out to change his diaper, only to find a major blow out waiting for me. The spare outfit is used before we even get out of Dubuque!! I had to get out of the car and set him on the seat to change him and it was a MESS!! I guess we learned our lesson and make sure he's "empty" before our next car ride. Anyway we got home and had a great time with my family and we made lots of really good treats, which were eaten almost immediately! The Greenhill's came by the day before Thanksgiving to meet the newest member of the family and I think they fell in love with him!! Also, Braden and Phil stopped by to drop off a gift for Braylen, a bear Braden won as school, his first baseball cards and some much needed diapers!! It was great to see them as well as the rest of the family on Thanksgiving. Braylen did really well with everyone as they played pass the baby. I think Braylen will be the center of the show wherever we go, at least until another new baby comes along!!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Let's try this...
The aspiration didn't work, no difference in fluid collection. I went to the appt today knowing I could be coming out of the dr office with a tube in my boob, yuck. I was nervous, obviously, so the appt was not the most fun I've ever had in a drs office! They used the ultrasound machine again and tried aspirating some additional fluid out to see where the collection is and therefore where the drain needed to be placed. He had some problems navigating his way around and I could tell he was really not sure if the drain was the right answer. After lots of probing and looking, Dr Shaw decided to go ahead with the drain. FYI for anyone with a weak stomach this is a little gross. They had me go into the surgical room and with lots of anesthesia they cut into my breast and inserted the tube. When they cut in lots of fluids came out and I could see the relief on Dr Shaw's face, I guess that's what he wanted to see, and for this I will never be interested in medicine!! They stitched me up and gave me prescriptions for pain killers, thank God, and sent me on my way. I was so nervous for the pain to come that that overcame my anxiety of the here and now. Jeremy went back to work when I got home and thank goodness for great friends, Abby came over and brought my drugs just as I was starting to feel the pain. Here's to a fast mend, fingers crossed!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
6 weeks old
As I have mentioned before I do a lot of singing and cheering with Braylen. I believe they may be wearing off a little on him...

Braylen's been talking so much and starting to notice more things and follow them better. He still doesn't always look at you, more like over your should or head, but you can tell he sees and notices you. He's so sweet and gets more and more fun every day!!
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